<aside> ⏱️ Case Study – TL;DR/CliffsNotes

Case Study


About Hellohire

Hellohire is a virtual interview platform that helps recruiters and employers conduct initial interviews with job applicants. The platform is used for ongoing hiring and hiring at scale, where many openings exist for the same role.



Employers set their interview schedule by creating “interview sessions”— time blocks where applicants schedule their interview. Interview sessions are typically 1 hour and each interview is between 5 and 15 minutes long, allowing an interviewer to meet between 4 and 12 candidates per hour.

Job applicants are sent a link to a scheduling page where they select an interview session.

The applicant is qualified or disqualified by registration questions and then provided with a specific time to arrive for their interview within the interview session they selected.



Each interview session is scheduled individually.

Employers often follow a regular schedule, interviewing at the same times and days every week. For some roles, this schedule is maintained indefinitely, and for others, the schedule is consistent week over week for months at a time.

Employers typically schedule between 5 (1 per day) and 15 (3 per day) sessions each week. Each session is scheduled individually by the interviewers or by an admin member of the employer’s team.


Admin app – Schedule – Add session modal

Admin app – Schedule – Add session modal